Just the right kind of SPARK that you need!
Data Predictions
Fraud Detection
Movement Data
Credit Scoring
Medic AI
Our mission is to democratize AI for all so that more people across industries can use the power of AI to solve business and social challenges.
Our SPARK AI is an automatic machine learning that empowers data science teams to scale by dramatically increasing the speed to develop highly accurate predictive models.
Our system includes innovative features of particular interest to financial, medical, and retail services including machine learning interpretability (MLI), reasonings for individual predictions, and automatic time series modeling.
SPARK AI is a great solution for data prediction as the problem involves complex data over time and interactions between different user behaviours that can be difficult for people to identify.
AI can look at a variety of data, including new data sources, and at relatively complex interactions between behaviours and compared to individual history to determine risk.
Our system can also be used to recommend the best proposition that will most likely retain a valuable key for the stakeholder.
In addition, SPARK can identify the reasons why a certain user is at risk and allow authorities to act against those areas for the individual and more globally.
SPARK can be used to analyse large volumes of transactions to find fraud patterns and then use those patterns to identify fraud or anomaly as it happens in real-time.
When fraud is suspected, AI models can be used to reject transactions outright or flag transactions for investigation and can even score the likelihood of fraud, so investigators can prioritize their work on the most promising cases.
The AI model can also provide reasoning for the decision to flag the transaction.
These reason codes tell the authorities where they might look to uncover the issues and help to streamline the investigative process.
Our system can also learn from the investigators as they review and clear suspicious transactions and automatically reinforce the AI model’s understanding to avoid patterns that don’t lead to fraudulent activities.
SPARK AI is a great solution for credit scoring using more data to provide an individualized credit score based on factors including current income, employment opportunity, recent credit history, and ability to earn in addition to older credit history.
This more granular and individualized approach allows banks and credit card companies the ability to more accurately assess each borrower and allows them to provide credit to people who would have been denied under the scorecard system including people with income potential such as new college graduates or temporary foreign nationals.
Our system can also adapt to new problems, like credit card abusers, who might have a high credit score, but are not likely to be profitable for the card issuer.
SPARK can also satisfy regulatory requirements to provide calculated reasoning for credit decisions that explain the key factors in credit decisions.
SPARK systems have been proven successful at detecting anomalies in movement volume data.
This time series process looks at expected data volumes based on historical patterns. Upper and lower boundaries are also predicted based on volume variation.
This system is then used to compare real-time movement value to expected volume.
This real-time system allows authorities to be notified when movement start to spike above or fall below these boundaries so they can take action before an event takes place.
AI based solutions can be used to help hospitals make better decisions by narrowing the types of tests that are likely to be useful for a patient.
AI models can be created using volumes of patient information from healthcare systems together with data from pharmaceutical companies to predict likely test results a given patients.
This model is then deployed into an AI-driven application that can provide indications of which tests are likely to produce definitive or valuable results based on the patient’s medical history and current symptoms.
With this knowledge, the doctors can pursue treatments with the best outcomes and minimize the number of tests, which saves time and reduces costs to the patient.
Key Features of
SPARKS is a fully open source, distributed in-memory machine learning platform with linear scalability. SPARKS supports the most widely used statistical & machine learning algorithms including gradient boosted machines, generalized linear models, deep learning and more. SPARK employs the techniques of data scientists in an easy to use application that helps scale your data science efforts using automation and state-of-the-art computing power to accomplish tasks in minutes that used to take months.
Leading Algorithms
Algorithms developed from the ground up for distributed computing and for both supervised and unsupervised approaches including Random Forest, GLM, GBM, XGBoost, GLRM, Word2Vec and many more.
In-Memory Processing
In-memory processing with fast serialization between nodes and clusters to support massive datasets. Distributed processing on big data delivers speeds up to 50x faster with fine-grain parallelism, enabling optimal efficiency without introducing degradation in computational accuracy.
Machine Learning
SPARKS employs a host of different techniques and methodologies for interpreting and explaining the results of its models.
Use open source tools you already know such as R, Python and others to build models in your dashboard, or use our own graphical notebook based interactive user interface that only requires minimal coding.
Automatic Visualization
SPARKS automatically generates visualizations and creates data plots that are most relevant from a statistical perspective based on the most relevant data statistics to help users get a quick understanding of their data prior to starting the model building process.
Simple Deployment
Easy to deploy POC to deploy models for fast and accurate scoring in any environment, including very large models.
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